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3 years ago

There are so many special memories of Grandad that I will always remember and are very precious to me. I never thought the last time I would hug and see Grandad would be when we both waved goodbye to each other through his side room window at Broomfield Hospital after his second hip operation. I remember the nurses watching us both waving at each other and remarking how lovely that was. Never did I realise that would be my last wave goodbye to Grandad and looking back, although it fills me with devastating sadness, I fondly remember him smiling as he waved goodbye to me and my father. It was like he was doing the Royal wave goodbye to us both and he looked happy that we had both cheered him up for over an hour, especially with Dad’s stories about their days working together at Barking Side Motors. One of my fondest enduring memories of Grandad was watching Formula One with him, often with Nanna watching too. Grandad would be really excited before the Grand Prix, sitting in his usual chair and pouring us both a beer before the race started. Although he would always complain that they spent too much time talking before the race started and sometimes fall asleep half way through the race! Another fond memory of Grandad was that he loved watching Deal or No Deal with Noel Edmonds. It was one of his favourite TV programmes. He loved the drama of the boxes being opened, but I always remember Nanna hating the programme and she would either hide behind a pillow or in the kitchen, as she couldn’t cope with the suspense which Grandad enjoyed so much! Of course, as everyone probably knows Grandad would always promptly pour a Gin & Tonic at 5pm for us all, although he loved his beer too. Nanna and Grandad called it a Sundowner and it was very enjoyable to share those moments with them both. At dinner time, it was always a tradition that Nanna and Grandad would never pass the salt pot directly to anyone, as it was considered to bring bad luck. This is something that I have come to consider very important too, so never pass the salt!

£50.00 (+ £12.50 Gift Aid)